الأربعاء، 31 أغسطس 2016

Sony akan perkenalkan 2 buah smartphone Xperia baru pada ajang IFA 2016

September 2016 adalah waktu untuk dibukanya acara IFA 2016 yang akan resmi di buka tepat hari ini tanggal 1 September, dan kabar menariknya pada acara tersebut vendor Sony sudah di ketahui akan segera memperkenalkan 2 buah smartphone Xperia terbaru dengan nama Xperia XZ dan Xperia X compact, perlu kalian ketahui bahwa Sony Xperia XZ adalah seri Xperia XR yang beberapa waktu lalu sudah kita ketahui bersama.

Berbarengan dengan pemberitaan ini juga di perlihatkan beberapa gambar renders dari masing-masing smartphone Xperia terbaru tersebut, dan jika kita lihat secara detail maka design tampak depan kedua device ini memiliki kemiripan namun akan terlihat berbeda jika viewnya kita lihat dari belakang karena pada Sony Xperia XZ set up lampu flash kamera dan komponen pendukung akan di design secara vertikal dan pada Xperia X compact akan di design dengan set up horizontal.

Sebagai mana yang di kabarkan bahwa kedua device ini mungkin akan di tenagai oleh processor Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 juga dengan RAM 4GB, namun ada indikasi lain bahwa seri Xperia XZ akan di tenagai oleh processor Qualcomm Snapdragon 821, untuk kemampuan kamera sendiri di kabarkan kedua device ini akan di bekali resolusi kamera belakang sebesar 23MP dan depan 13MP, untuk fitur lain akan di sematkan kemampuan fingerprint, dan jika benar maka versi Android yang akan di pakai adalah versi Android Marshmallow.

Kabar selanjutnya kedua device ini di kabarkan akan mulai di pasarkan mulai dari tanggal 24 September mendatang, untuk target pasar sendiri masih belum di ketahui, namun ada indikasi kuat bahwa device ini memang akan di jual dalam pasar global nantinya, untuk harga sendiri masih belum jelas, dan menuruk spekulasi yang beredar bahwa Xperia XZ akan di jual hampir setara dengan harga Xperia X dan untuk Xperia X compact akan di jual dengan harga yang lebih tinggi sedikit dari seri Xperia XA.

sumber xperiablog

Resmi dikabarkan seri terbaru HTC Desire 10 akan di hadirkan pada 20 September

Dadroidrd.com, Memang sudah bukan menjadi rahasia lagi bahwa HTC akan segera memperkenalkan variant terbaru dari kelas menengah smartphone dengan variant baru yaitu Desire 10, dan seperti yang sudah kita tahu bahwa pada seri terbaru Desire ini, HTC akan memperkenalkan dua buah seri smartphone dengan nama Desire 10 Pro dan Lifestyle, dan kabar menariknya baru saja vendor HTC merilis sebuah video teaser dengan menampakan bentuk siluet dari smartphone tersebut dan yang paling menarik dari semua itu adalah terdapatnya tanggal 20 September yang bisa menjadi indikasi kuat bahwa salah satu dari seri Desire 10 akan segera resmi di perkenalkan.

Dalam video teaser yang di perlihatkan tersebut terlihat sebuah bentuk siluet dengan list emas yang banyak di kabarkan orang bahwa device ini ialah seri HTC Desire 10 Pro, karena dengan asumsi bahwa seri Pro tersebut pernah terlihat gambar rendersnya beberapa waktu lalu, dan jika di lihat secara seksama maka ada kemiripan pada gambar siluet dan pada gambar renders yang sudah terlihat.

Untuk spesifikasinya sendiri HTC Desire 10 Pro di kabarkan akan memiliki kemampuan yang hampir setara dengan seri reguler HTC 10, namun akan ada beberapa perbedaan mendasar karena pada kenyataannya device ini akan menyasar kelas menengah smartphone, meski demikian tidak ada informasi terkait spesifikasi dari device ini sampai sekarang, dan satu hal yang dapat di pastikan adalah bahwa spesifikasi dari device ini akan lebih tinggi dari seri HTC Desire 10 Lifestyle.

Dengan demikian hanya waktu yang akan menjawab misteri tersebut, dan apa yang kita tunggu untuk di ketahui mungkin akan kita dapatkan pada tanggal 20 September mendatang, namun ada juga kemungkinan bahwa pada tanggal 20 September mendatang, bukan hanya seri Pro saja yang dirilis namun kemungkinan 2 buah seri Desire 10 akan resmi di perkenalkan.

sumber twitter

Cara unlock bootloader Xiaomi Mi4S

Dadroidrd.com, Sebagai suksesor dari seri keluarga Mi4, Xiaomi Mi4S memang hadir sebagai sebuah smartphone yang sangat powerful, hal ini dapat di buktikan dari spesifikasi yang sudah dapat terlihat bahwa device satu ini memiliki kemampuan yang tidak main-main, secara umum device ini memiliki konsep design yang sangat baik dengan dukungan bahan metal body yang sangat kokoh, dan yang tidak kalah penting ialah memiliki ketipisan smartphone yang sangat baik sehingga device ini sangat elegant untuk di gunakan semua kalangan.

Namun sebagai mana yang sudah di ketahui jika kalian pemilik device ini dan berniat untuk melakukan sesuatu yang hebat pada Xiaomi Mi4S kalian, maka kalian bisa menerapkan method Root terlebih dahulu dan selanjutnya menerapkan apa yang kalian inginkan, namun sebelum melakukan hal tersebut sangat di rekomendasikan untuk kalian agar melakukan unlock bootloader terlebih dahulu agar semua proses yang akan di jalani aman dan memiliki persentasi keberhasilan yang tinggi, jika kalian berniat melakukan unlock pada device ini maka kalian bisa ikuti tutorial yang akan di jelaskan, sebagai pengingat ikuti semua tutrorial dengan baik dan teliti.

Hal yang di butuhkan:
1. PC atau Laptop rekomendasi windows 64-bit
2. Koneksi internet
3. USB Cable asli Xiaomi Mi4S yang masih berfungsi dengan baik
4. Baterai device harus diatas 50%
5. Jika ingin 100% berhasil unlock bootloader dalam sekali jalan, gunakan triknya DISINI.

Cara Unlock Bootloader:
1. Untuk yang pertama sangat direkomendasikan device kalian berada pada versi ROM MIUI China developers, karena persentasi keberhasilan unlock bootloader sangat tinggi jika menggunakan ROM versi china developers tersebut, untuk itu kalian bisa melakukan flashing ROM ke china developers terlebih dahulu sebelum melakukan unlock bootloader tersebut, jika device kalian saat ini masih berada dalam versi ROM MIUI global.
2. Selanjutnya kalian harus request terlebih dahulu ke forum MIUI, bisa kunjungi DISINI.
3. Selanjutnya masuk pada Tab "Unlock" selanjutnya akan di bawa ke halaman baru, lalu click pada button Unlock Now, hal pertama kalian harus Login dengan mi account yang kalian miliki, perlu di ingat login dengan mi account yang sama seperti yang ada di device Xiaomi Mi4S kalian.
4. Kemudian kalian harus mengisi informasi untuk request unlock bootloader nantinya, pastikan nomor telepon kalian bisa di hubungi dengan baik, karena persetujuan unlock bootloader dari Xiaomi akan di kirimkan melalui SMS, jika sudah yakin "centang" ketentuan dari Xiaomi yang berada di bawah, langkah selanjutnya tinggal click button "Apply Now".

5. Selanjutnya kalian harus memverifikasi nomor kalian dengan memasukan angka verifikasi yang langsung di berikan pihak Xiaomi ke nomor telepon yang sudah kalian masukan sebelumnya, jika sudah langkah selanjutnya kalian harus menunggu hingga 10 hari masa kerja untuk mendapat persetujuan, tetapi ada tips agar cepat di approve bisa di lihat DISINI.
6. Jika SMS notifikasi Unlock sudah tiba, silahkan kunjungi alamat link atau webstite yang terdapat pada isi SMS tersebut.
7. Kemudian download tool Unlocknya yang kerap di sebuat Mi Flash Unlock, untuk versi bahasa inggrisnya download DISINI.
8. Setelah selesai jalankan aplikasi Mi Flash Unlocknya dengan "Run As Administrator".
9. Lalu selanjutnya, akan muncul halaman ketentuan, pada opsi ini pilih Accept saja, selanjutya Login dengan akun yang sudah kalian miliki.
10. Langkah terakhir, silahkan koneksikan device Xiaomi Mi4S kalian dalam keadaan Power Off ke PC dengan menekan berbarengan tombol Volume Down (-) dan Power untuk masuk ke fastboot mode, jika sudah terhubung dan terkoneksi dengan baik, selanjutnya tinggal tekan button "Unlock" dari jendela aplikasi Mi Flash Unlock yang muncul.
11. Tunggu Sampai proses selesai, lalu Reboot.
12. Jika unlock bootloader gagal pada angka 50%, solusinya ikuti tutorialnya DISINI.

Dengan demikian Xiaomi Mi4S kalian telah berhasil di unlock bootloader, meski pada kenyataannya tutorial ini harus dan tetap membutuhkan waktu dalam prosesnya, namun jika kalian mengikuti tutorial diatas dengan baik, teliti, dan akurat maka dapat dipastikan proses unlock bootloader akan berhasil dan tidak akan membutuhkan waktu yang lama dalam proses approve request unlock bootloader tersebut, dan sekali lagi jika ada masalah dengan device kalian ketika mengikuti tutorial diatas itu semua bukan tanggung jawab kami, dengan demikian lakukan dengan hati-hati dan cermat.

Sony Xperia L USB Driver Free Download For Windows

Sony is one of the best companies that are making some amazing advanced technologies in mobile phones and computers. They are created some noteworthy phones and especially their tablets are quite popular all over the world. To run these devices properly you will need to install the USB drivers that are available on the official site. if you can't find the suitable ones for you then don't worry because we are here to help you. Today, I am going to give you some Sony Xperia L USB Drivers that are available for absolutely free. These drivers can be installed using any major operating. These OS include Windows XP, 7, 8.1 and 10.

Installation Guide for Sony Xperia L USB Drivers. 

Here is an easy step by step guide to install these drivers on your device. Do not wander off from the guide and follow each step carefully and you shall be done within a few minutes. So here we go.

1. In the event that assumes you can not introduce your drivers, associate your Xperia and afterward on your PC. Go to My PC > Properties > Device Manager.

2. You ought to see an undetected equipment with a yellow mark over it. Open it and snap on upgrade, my drivers. At that point pick GOOGLE DRIVERS by picking hard-drive. This ought to introduce the drivers for you. In the event that this doesn't work. Attempt the connection with the post where the drivers are changed to work with Sony Xperia Devices.

3.Take the same strides yet this time, pick the connection organizer to look for drivers. It may say, the drivers are not checked. Simply Ignore it and portable introducing them. You should unfasten these documents.

4. In the event, that assume you don't see any shout mark while you interface your Xperia. Simply go to the control board and include new equipment. Select, I will pick my gadget and afterward introduce from the hard disk. Select the envelope where you have unfastened the records and you are ready. The name of new equipment is not essential as windows will read the driver's documents and introduce drivers for Xperia.

Use the link below to download the free Sony Xperia L USB Drivers. Keep visiting our site for more free drivers and installation guides.
Description: Sony Xperia L USB Driver Free Download
Supporting OS: Windows 32-Bit/64-Bit

الاثنين، 29 أغسطس 2016

Haier All In One USB Driver For Windows Free Download

Haier is one of the rising companies that are making some amazing advanced technologies in mobile phones and computers. They are created some noteworthy phones and especially their tablets are quite popular among kids. To run these devices properly you will need to install the USB drivers that are available on the official site. if you can't find the suitable ones for you then don't worry because we are here to help you. Today, I am going to give you some Haier Mobile USB Drivers that are available for absolutely free. These drivers can be installed using any major operating. These OS include Windows XP, 7, 8.1 and 10.

Downloading and installing these drivers is very easy. However, for somebody who has never used a computer and bought the phone for the first time, it will be difficult for him to do that. But, nobody needs to worry because I am here to give you an easy guide on how to install these drivers on your phone. Given below is an easy step by step guide on how to install these drivers. All it takes is few steps and you will be done within no time. So let's learn how to install Haier Mobile USB Drivers.

How to install Haier Mobile USB Drivers?

Here is a step by step guide on how to that.

Step 1: Download  HAIER USB Driver zip file on your computer.
Step 2: Now extract the downloaded zip file in a folder on the desktop.
Step 3: You need to connect your device to your computer via USB cable.
Step 4: Now open the extracted files from the folder on the desktop and select Exe file  and  double click on it.
Step 5:  Window will pop up when you double click on the Exe file and now click on Next.
Step 6: Once you have click on next in step 5, again you have to click on Next for further process.
Step 7: When installation of the driver is done click on Finish.

And here you are done with the installation of these files. Now don't wait anymore and follow the link below to download these drivers. Keep visiting out the site for more free drivers and installation guides.
Description: Haier Mobiles USB Driver Free Download
Supporting OS: Windows 32-Bit/64-Bit 

السبت، 27 أغسطس 2016

Simple Methods To Stop Whatsapp From Sharing Your Data

WhatsApp will soon start sharing some of your data with Facebook. This will allow Facebook to show you more targeted ads.

You will not see ads on WhatsApp, but you could definitely start seeing Facebook friend suggestions and ads based on your data from WhatsApp.

If this makes you uncomfortable and you don't want Facebook to see your WhatsApp data, you need to manually disable the setting on the messaging app. Here's how to stop WhatsApp from sharing your data with Facebook.

If You do not  agree to WhatsApp's updated terms of service
WhatsApp will notify you of the change to its terms of service. When you open the app, you will see a page that says this, and asks you to tap agree. If you are on this screen, follow these steps:

1. Tap on the  Read
2. Uncheck the Share my WhatsApp account information with Facebook button.

Another Method

If you've already tapped Agree, or did so without reading, then you can still stop
WhatsApp from sharing your details with

Facebook by following these steps:

These Steps will work on Android:
1. Tap the three dots icon on the top- right.
2. Tap Settings > Account.
3. Uncheck Share my account info.

This actions will stop WhatsApp from sharing your data with Facebook. If you have not seen the updates terms of service page, or the setting mentioned above does not show up in the app, these changes haven't yet been rolled out to your device.

They will show up soon, so be sure to keep these steps in mind.

Samsung ADB Interface Windows Driver Free Download

Samsung ADB Interface Driver may be hard to find but don't worry because we have got this for you. We have got the free Samsung ADB Interface Driver for you with a ready to download link. We aim to provide you the best drivers for your devices and for this we dig deep down the internet. Doesn't matter how rare a driver is, we always come up with the best and free version of it for you. You can download this driver just by clicking on the link given below. This driver is best supported for all kinds of Microsoft Windows including all major operating systems such as XP, 7, 8.1, and 10.

This driver is absolutely free to download. It will also you provide you with the best performance from your device. I am also going to tell you how to install this driver so don't worry if you are not familiar with the process.

Samsung ADB Interface Driver Installation Guide.
So as to upgrade your driver yourself, take after the progressions beneath (the following strides):

1. Go to Device Manager (right tap on My Computer, pick Manage and after that discover Device Manager in the left board)
2. Right tap on the equipment gadget you wish to overhaul and pick Update Driver Software
3. Select the area of the new driver physically and scan to the organizer where you downloaded the driver

It is profoundly prescribed to dependably utilize the latest driver adaptation accessible. Keep in mind to check with our site as regularly as could be expected under the circumstances so as to stay overhauled on the most recent drivers, programming, and diversions

Attempt to set a framework to reestablish point before introducing a gadget driver. This will help on the off chance that you introduced a wrong driver. Issues can emerge when your equipment gadget is excessively old or not upheld anymore.

So this is how you install your Samsung ADB Interface Driver manually. Did you like this post? Don't forget to leave us your feedback. Keep visiting our site for more free drivers and installation guides.
Description: Samsung ADB Interface Driver Free Download
Supporting OS: Windows 32-Bit/64-Bit

الجمعة، 26 أغسطس 2016

InterC Launched 4G Network In Nigeria

Yes it's happening as another baby has joined the 4G race in Nigeria, it promised to captured the mind of many youth in 9ja.

Its Chief Executive Officer, Emad Sukker, who spoke in Lagos said the telco has retsrategised and entered into strategic technical and financial partnerships with leading firms, adding that the customers are in for a redefined experience on the network.

He further said that, while a conglomerate in the Middle East, Telto Group, acquired 77 per cent equity in the foremost CDMA, Huawei was selected as its technology partner to roll out services on 4G long term evolution technology (LTE). Also, he said the firm has entered into long term strategic partnership with IHS Towers for the collocation of infrastructure.

First Area Of Operations 
At a start, they will operate in Abuja, Port Harcourt, and Kaduna at first, before rolling out to Lagos and other locations later.

Below are the data it offers:
>>InterC Lite:
1.5GB Plan for N1,400 (24/7 30 Days Validity)
4GB for N2,800 (24/7 30 Days)
2.5GB for N1,500 (6PM – 6AM 7Days validity)
1GB for N1,000 (6PM – 6AM 7Days validity)

>>InterC Savvy
7GB for N4,500 (24/7 30 Days Validity)
15GB for N7,000 (24/7 30 Days Validity)
25GB for N10,000 (24/7 30 Days Validity)
40GB for N9,000 (6PM – 6AM 30 Days Validity)
25GB for N6,000 (6PM – 6AM 30 Days validity)

>>InterC Ultra
50GB for N17,000 (24/7 30 Days Validity)
75GB for N24,000 (24/7 30 Days Validity)
110GB for N35,000 (24/7 60 Days Validity)
75GB for N12,000 (6PM – 6AM 30 Days Validity).

We shall continue to update you as more test is carried out.

الخميس، 25 أغسطس 2016

The New Xiaomi Red Mini 4

Xiaomi, as expected, has released the Redmi Note 4 smartphone in China. The latest Redmi Note-series handset will be available in two variants: 2GB of RAM and 16GB inbuilt storage model priced at CNY 899 , and a 3GB of RAM and 64GB storage model priced at CNY 1,19.

The biggest features of the Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 is its metal build. It has a 5.5-
inch full-HD (1080x1920 pixels) 2.5D curved glass display and sports a pixel density of
401ppi. It is powered by a deca-core MediaTek Helio X20 coupled with Mali-T880 MP4 GPU. Both the 2GB and 3GB RAM models support expandable storage via microSD card (up to 128GB).

Other features

Xiaomi: Redmi Note 4

OS: MIUI v8 on top of Android 6

Dimensions: 151 x 76 x 8.35 mm175 g

Display: 5.5" LCDwith 1080 x 1920 pixel
resolution SoC

RAM: 2GB / 3GB

Cameras: 13MP f/2.0 rear cam w/ dual LED
flash 5MP front cam

Storage: 16GB / 64GB

MTK Helio X20 10 core clocked up to 2.1GHz Mali
T880 MP4 700MHz

Battery: 4,100 mAh

The 12 features Of Android 7.0 Nougat

Google officially released Android 7.0 Nougat on Monday, and that means anyone with a Nexus device should be on the lookout for the update. Specifically, the Nexus 6, Nexus 5X, Nexus 6P, Nexus 9 tablet, Nexus Player streaming device, and the Pixel C tablet should be getting the Android 7.0 update.

Most of the new changes aresmaller, but they make a big impact on how you'll use your Android phones.

Bellow are the Android 7.0 Nougat features you need to know about:

It's more streamlined and efficient, so games and generalperformance are better.

Apps will install extremely quickly, and they'll take up less storage than they do now.

Apps you haven't used in a while will close automatically in the
Recents menu, which makes it less cluttered.

There's a Clear All button at the top of the Recents menu to close all your running apps in one go if you want to start fresh.

Quick Switch lets double tap the square Recents button to switch back to the previous app you wereusing and then back again to theapp you were using quickly.

Use two apps at the same time with Multi-Window.

Multi-window also works in landscape mode.

Reply to messages straight from the notifications shade.

Control which apps show you notifications by long-tapping on the notification itself. It's faster than going through the Settings.

Security updates will be downloaded automatically, but you'll have to turn your phone off and back on for them

to install.

You'll never see this again!

You'll be able to run Google's new virtual reality platform with a VR headset if your phone is powerful enough. This is the biggest new feature Google announced.

An improved "Doze" mode that will put your phone in a semi-sleep mode when the screen is off for outstanding battery life.


Infinix Note3 Now selling On Jumia

The Infinix Note3 is as good as it gets. Featuring a 6.0 inch HD screen, a sleek design that's only 0.9mm thick and a 4500mAh battery life, the NOTE3 is unstoppable. The NOTE3 reflects Infinix committment to technology, innovation and quality with it's groundbreaking features.

Below are some specs Of the device:

· Dimensions : 162.5*82.8*8.4 mm
· Display : 6.0 inches, 1080 x 1920 pixels IPS LCD display
· Sensors: Fingerprint Scanner, Accelerometer, Proximity
· Build : Metal
· Colours : Champagne Gold
· Processor Type : Octa-core 1.3GHz
· Processor Name : Mediatek 6753
· Graphics Processor : ARM Mali-T720 MP3 450 MHz
· RAM: 2 GB
· Internal Storage : 16 GB
· External Storage : MicroSD card up to 128 GB

· GSM: GSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900
· 3G : HSDPA 850 / 900 / 2100
· 4G :
· SIM Type : Dual Micro SIM
· OS : XOS (Based on Android 6 Marshmallow)

· Rear : 13 megapixel autofocus camera with dual LED flash
· Video recording : Yes
· Front-facing : 5 megapixel camera with LED flash

· Bluetooth: v4.0
· WiFi: Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, Wi-Fi Direct, hotspot
· GPS : Yes
· USB : microUSB v2.0, OTG

Others Features
· Music Support : mp3, aac, aac+, eaac +, amr
· Loudspeaker : Mono
· Video Support : mpeg4, h.263, h.264
· FM Radio : Yes
· Battery : 4500mah with support foOthersF charge 3.0

Price Tag: N54,700

Lenovo ADB Interface Driver Free Download

You can get the Free Lenovo ADB Interface Driver from our site by clicking the free download link at the end of this post. To know what is ADB? And how it is installed, I have written a guide for you. You will need any version of windows such XP, 7, 8.1 or 10. Read the guide below to know about ADB and how it is installed.

What is ADB?
ADB stands for Android Debug Bridge. It comes as a part of the standard Android SDK, which you can grab here. Basically, it provides a terminal-based interface for interacting with your phone’s file system. Since Android platform is based on Linux, command-line is the only way to obtain and manipulate root access often required to perform certain advanced operations on your device using root access. While these things can be done directly on the device itself using some terminal emulator, it will be rather difficult to execute complex commands on such a small screen. ADB provides the bridge between your machine and your computer.

How to install?
1. The first step is to download the SDK. Use the link given at the end of this post and download the latest version of the Android SDK from there. There are versions available for Microsoft Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. In the case of Windows, both an installer and a zip file are available but there isn’t any need to use the installer as a formal installation is not required. Once you have downloaded the SDK, simply extract the compressed file to a location on your computer. In our case, we have extracted it to the root of our C drive and that makes C:\android-sdk-windows the installation location of the SDK. From here onwards, we shall be referring to this location as the ‘SDK folder’.

2. Previously, ADB used to be included in the SDK by default in the ‘tools’ sub-folder but now, it has been relocated to the ‘platform-tools’ sub-folder which needs to be downloaded as an SDK package. Fortunately, this is quite easy. Just browse to the SDK folder and launch SDK Manager. When launching it for the first time, it will present you with a window to choose packages to install. The first option begins with ‘Android SDK Platform-tools’. Make sure it is checked, and uncheck all the other packages for now. You can check/uncheck a package by clicking on its name and then selecting the Accept/Reject radio button.

3. Now you have ADB installed but using it this way will require you to either use the complete path of the ADB command (C:\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools\adb) or to first change directory to the platform-tools subfolder of the SDK folder each time, and this can become quite a hassle. To make ADB along with other Android SDK tools and platform tools easily accessible from anywhere on the command line, we shall add their paths to the PATH environment variable. This method will apply to Windows users only.

So, this was an easy guide on how to install ADB. Now you can enjoy the free Lenovo ADB Interface Driver by downloading it from our site and keep visiting us for more.
Description: Lenovo ADB Interface Driver Download
Supporting OS: Windows 32-Bit/64-Bit

الأربعاء، 24 أغسطس 2016

A Look At The Airtel SmartTrybe: The Data Saviour

What the Heck is  Airtel SmartTrybe?
For the past months folks has been enjoying midnight vigil browsing because it worth the the praying as the data saviour usually arrived during those hours.

It also comes with some freebies and talk of 11 kobo persecond to all networks.

The package was officially launched by Airtel on Friday 12th August, 2016 in Lagos State, Nigeria.

According to Airtel , the repackaged SmartTrybe gives 11k/sec rate to all networks in Nigeria and cheapest cost of data bundle as you all know

Packages Offer By Airtel Trybe

» Trybe Special Data : cheap data bundle and call rates which gives  you 1GB of data for N500 and it will last you for one week (7 days) known as weekly data.

Also Read How To Subscribe Airtel 1.5GB And 500MB for 50 and 25 Naira

» Trybe Night Browsing: You can get 500MB data for N25(12:00am – 5:00am),1.5GB for N50 (12:00am-5am), and the good aspect is that you can subscribe over and over again guys this is data saviour.

» Trybe Weekend: Airtel  SmartTryBe
Weekend customers enjoy 250 MB with free 30Min calls to all Airtel numbers.

How Can I Subscribe This Plan? 

Dial *312# to opt in for this package. If you are an addict downloader or heavy internet user, you can simply use  this package.


الثلاثاء، 23 أغسطس 2016

Is Now Happening: Smart Phones Start Rolling out Android 7.0 Nougat

Yes is no news that the much talked android 7.0 Nougat has started it's way to some of our smart phones.

But as usual, it's not available on all android phones. For some folks has received the update why majority has been left out, but don't panic as more companies will soon start releasing this Nougat.

Checkout the list of Eligible Devices;
To start with these are the first batch of eligible devices Huawei Nexus 6P, LG Nexus 5X, Motorola Nexus 6, HTC Nexus 9, Asus Nexus Player, Google Pixel C, and General Mobile 4G.

Devices also running the developers preview will be eligible for the rollout.

Below are some of the features which 7.0 brought to light:

>>Split-screen mode, picture-in-picture, and double tap to quickly switch.

>>Customizable Quick Settings in Android 7.0 Nougat

>>It brings with it the ability to set multiple locales and languages, 72 new emoji, multi-window functionality,

>>Ability to quickly switch to the previous app (by double-tapping the multitasking button),

>>Vulkan graphics API,

>>Newly dedicated VR mode,

>>Doze on the go for better battery management
and new data saver for restricting data usage for background apps.

>>Direct replies from notifications, bundled notifications,

>>A built-in mobile data saver,

>>file-based encryption, and much more.

Enjoy the New environment!

Gigabyte Motherboard Drivers Free Download For Windows

Gigabyte is my favorite company when it comes to computer accessories. Whenever I feel a need to upgrade my computer for gaming, I seek out Gigabyte's products. Everything from graphics cards to Motherboards is so perfect. Plus, they have nice cooling systems in GPUs which are very suitable for summer season. Well, all this was just to introduce you to Gigabyte. Today, I aim to give you drivers for Gigabyte Motherboards and going to tell you about distinctive of their boards. You can download the drivers from the link given at the end of this post. All you have got to do is to follow the download link, enter the motherboard model and you will get the driver for your motherboard.

You can get these drivers for absolutely free. Doesn't matter which version of windows you using, you will be able to download the driver and install it for your Gigabyte Motherboard. However, if your motherboard does not support the current version of Windows that you using, then that is a different matter. However, most of the boards do support from Windows XP and then goes on to 7, 8, 8.1, and 10. Remember that only follow the download link given below and download the driver according to your version of windows. Also, it is a must that you take care of windows built such as 32 or 64-bit.

How to install Gigabyte Motherboard Drivers?

Here is a simple step by step guide on how to download and easily install these drivers. Just follow the steps because they are very easy.

1. Click on the link given below to approach the site where you are going to find these drivers.
2. At the website, just enter your Gigabyte Motherboard model and it will give you the download link.
3. Click on it to download the files and then install them the conventional way.

So this was all about Gigabyte Motherboards and their drivers. Keep visiting our website for more free drivers and stuff!
Description: Gigabyte Motherboard Drivers Free Download
Supporting OS: Windows 32-Bit/64-Bit
Download (Official)

الجمعة، 19 أغسطس 2016

Motorola ADB Interface Driver Free Download Now

Hey, I hope all of my visitors must be doing fine. Once again we are here to fulfill your needs by providing you the best drivers for your different devices such as phones and computers. Today, I am going to give you the interface driver for Motorola ADB. This driver is absolutely free for download and all you have got to do is to follow the download link given at the end of this post. You can download these drivers on any of your windows operating system such as XP, 7, or 8. You don't need to pay anything for these drivers to download because these drivers are absolutely free for download. Simply follow the download link given right at the end and you will be enjoying the USB interface driver for your Motorola.

Doesn't matter which version of windows you are using, you can download and install this driver using any windows operating system. Motorola is one of the well-known mobile phone companies and their smartphones are in good demand. Many people are addicted to their smartphones for the distinctive features they have. Downloading and installing this driver is also very easy. However, if you are a novice, then I can show you how to download and install this driver. Read the simple guide written below to download and install this driver.

How to install Motorola ADB Interface Driver?

You can install this driver by simply following the guide below. Follow each and every step and you will be done within a matter of seconds.

1. Open the link given at the end of this post and download the driver files from them.
2. In the downloaded files, look for setup.exe. Make sure that your Motorola device is connected to your computer.
3. Use that file to open the setup and install the driver.

So what are you waiting for? Follow the download link given below and enjoy the Motorola ADB Interface Driver. Keep visiting our forums for more free drivers and installation guides.
Description: Motorola ADB Interface Driver Free Download
Supporting OS: Windows 32-Bit/64-Bit
Download (ADB Driver)
Download (Device Manager)

الخميس، 18 أغسطس 2016



 How to remove pattern or pin lock without losing user data Spreadtrum Android E.g ITEL, Mhorse, Mbo, Bml etc)

You might be wondering if its possible to get back into your locked spreadtrum smartphone without actually factory resetting or flashing it.

Well, its very possible. I have been in situations where factory resetting the phone will cause alot of issues because of the data in the phone. So I thought of what to do and then this pretty trick came into my mind. After implementing it the first time, its now my most used technique to remove lock on Itel and other spreadtrum phones without losing any of its user data.

I am going to explain it in detail so you wont miss anything.


Download ScreenLockReset and save the apk file in your PC.

 Download Moborobo Pc App

 Power off your Itel or any other spreadtrum phone.

 Press down both volume up and power button together. Release the both buttons after about 5 seconds or when the screen lights up. It will bring up the test mode screen.
Open settings via the drop down notifications panel.

Now Go to your About phone and enable developer options. In developer options, enable USB debugging.

 Allow Installation from unknown sources in security.
Now open the ScreenlockReset apk in your pc via Moborobo.
Connect your spreadtrum android to your Pc and click on Install in Moborobo. Select MTP USB mode.

When the Moborobo daemon is installed on your phone, the app will install next. It will show completed in the Moborobo window.

Now go back to your settings menu and open the Apps section. Scroll to All Apps and find the ScreenlockReset app. Click on it, select Go to App. The App will open.

Well, its very possible. I have been in situations where factory resetting the phone will cause alot of issues because of the data in the phone. So I thought of what to do and then this pretty trick came into my mind. After implementing it the first time, its now my most used technique to remove lock on Itel and other spreadtrum phones without losing any of its user data.
 Tap on ScreenLock Reset.

 Select yes and the process will be done.

Your phone's lock pattern will be removed without deleting your user data.

الأربعاء، 17 أغسطس 2016

Samsung Monitor Drivers Free Download For Windows

Welcome to DriverMarket! Our site is the spot where we endeavor our best to give the visitors the best drivers for their any kind of devices. Some come here searching drivers for their versatile workstations, phones, USB boxes and various diverse devices. That is the reason we endeavor not to confuse and they put the associations for the reliable and precise drivers for our viewers.

Today, I am making this article to give you the drivers for Samsung Monitors. This is a long course of action and I am heading off to the association you to the best place where you can download these drivers as showed by the contraption you have. Doesn't have any kind of effect which working structure you are using, whether it is windows 7, 8, XP, or 8.1, you will have the ability to download the reinforced drivers for these working systems.

These Samsung Monitor drivers are permitted to download and are reinforced by all the significant working structures. You ought to download them as showed by your working structure. For instance, download the 32-bit variation for 32-bit windows and the different way. Download and presenting them is not a troublesome system and even a kid should know. You will ought to just download the setup and present it like whatever other routine system.

When you are done with the downloading and foundation of these drivers, you will have the ability to value the best execution of your Samsung representation connector. Thus, download the drivers as of now from the associations given underneath and keep passing by Drivers Forum.

How to install Samsung Monitor Drivers?

Downloading and installing these drivers is very easy. Follow the guide below to do the job.

1. Download the drivers for your monitor type from the link given at the end of this post.
2. Extract the driver files and look for setup.exe.
3. Now open it and install the drivers on your system.

There you are done with the installation of these Samsung Monitor Drivers. So, don't wait anymore and download the drivers right now from the link given below.
Description: Samsung Monitor Drivers Free Download
Supporting OS: Windows 32-Bit/64-Bit 
Download (Official)

Cara fastboot Xiaomi Redmi Pro

Dadroidrd.com, Seperti yang kalian telah ketahui bahwa Xiaomi Redmi Pro hadir dengan spesifikasi yang memukau, selain itu device ini juga hadir dengan harga yang terbilang cukup terjangkau untuk di miliki, namun pada kenyataannya Xiaomi Redmi Pro pun tidak akan pernah luput dari masalah umum yang kerap terjadi pada setiap device Android, seperti melambatnya device, bootloop hingga brick, umumnya masalah tersebut dapat mudah teratasi dengan cara melakukan flash ulang atau fastboot terhadap device tersebut, dan juga tutorial ini akan sangat ampuh untuk mengatasi Xiaomi Redmi Pro yang di pasangi Rom abal-abal oleh distributor.

Dalam praktek fastbootnya pada Xiaomi Redmi Pro akan menggunakan aplikasi SP Flashtool dan bukan menggunakan aplikasi Mi Flash atau Mi Phone, karena device ini menggunakan processor MediaTek jadi cara termudah dan amannya memang menggunakan aplikasi SP Flash Tool, dan untuk aplikasi Mi Flash akan lebih ampuh jika di terapkan pada seri Xiaomi lain dengan processor Qualcomm Snapdragon, dan yang paling penting ialah tutorial ini dapat di terapkan untuk melakukan fastboot terhadap Xiaomi Redmi Pro versi processor MediaTek Helio X20 dan X25, dan juga dalam prakteknya device ini bisa di jalankan pada kondisi locked dan unlock bootloader, namun sangat di rekomendasikan gara melakukan unlock terlebih dahulu terhadap bootloader karena persentasi keberhasilan akan lebih tinggi di bandingkan device yang masih dalam keadaan locked bootloader.

Baca juga :
Cara unlock bootloader Xiaomi Redmi Pro

Pada saat apa keperluan memakai fastboot ini :
1. Bootloop
2. Stuck
3. Deepdead (matot)

Yang dibutuhkan :
1. PC atau Laptop
2. USB cable
3. Vcom driver mediatek download DISINI
4. SP flash tools download  DISINI
5. Fastboot ROM download DISINI, cari tipe device Xiaomi Redmi Pro dan sesuaikan fastboot ROM mana yang akan kalian pilih seperti versi china, global, stable atau developers
6. Xiaomi Redmi Pro baterai harus diatas 50%
7. Disable Driver Signature Enforcement, tutorial DISINI

Cara melakukan fastboot :
1. Install Vcom driver dan SP falsh tools yang sudah didownload tadi
2. Extract Fastboot Rom yang sudah di download tadi
3. Masuk kedalam aplikasi SP flash toolsnya dengan "run as adminstrator"
4. Masuk kedalam tab "Download" pada aplikasi SP tools tersebut
5. Pastikan dalam menu "Download-Agent" file bin nya bernama "MTK_AllInOne.bin", kalian dapat menemukan file ini pada folder aplikasi SP Flash tool yang sudah kalian extract.
6. Pada menu scatter-loading file, cari temukan file ini "MT6797_Android_scatter", untuk file scatter sendiri dapat kalian temukan pada hasil extract dari fastboot ROM yang sudah kalian download.
7. Sekarang power off device lalu koneksikan dengan PC kalian.
8. Tekan icon "Download" di SP flash tools, kemudian tekan "volume down" pada Redmi Pro kalian atau bisa juga tekan "volume down" dan "power" hal agar device kalian terbaca oleh aplikasi SP flash tools tersebut.
9. Setelah device kalian terbaca dengan tanda model prossesor device kalian tampak pada SP flash tool, saat itu kalian sudah bisa berhenti menekan "volume down"
10. Proses flash fastboot akan berjalan dan berhasil jika tampak icon conteng pada aplikasi SP flash tool
11. Done, semua proses sudah selesai tinggal menunggu device kalian booting saja lagi.

Video panduan tata cara melakukan fastboot Xiaomi dengan benar dan agar 100% berhasil

ScreenShot bagi kalian yang kebingungan

Jika SP Flash tool yang kalian download berbahasa china ketika sudah di install, ikuti cara di bawah ini untuk membuat aplikasi SP Flash tool menjadi berbahasa inggris :
1. Buka folder aplikasi SP Flash tool, lalu navigasikan ke sebuah file yang bernama option.ini buka file tersebut menggunakan notepad atau aplikasi sejenisnya.
2. Cari tulisan atau string [Language], pada bagian value CurrentLang=1 ganti menjadi CurrentLang=0, simpan lalu jalankan ulang aplikasi SP Flash tool maka bahasa inggris sudah menjadi bahasa utama pada aplikasi tersebut, agar lebih mudah lihat screenshot di bawah ini:


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