الجمعة، 18 سبتمبر 2015

Facebook Social Signal Tool could signal the death knell for print media

In what could be a " death knell to a already fledging newspaper  and print industry, Facebook introduced a social signal platform that allows journalists to discover,find and  embed news content    as it tries to  entice news reports and journalists " to  use Facebook as a content syndication tool as a vital part of their news gathering process

The tool, which pulls from both Facebook and Instagram, allows journalists the opportunity “to make Facebook a cornerstone  more vital part of their news gathering with access to relevant trends, photos, videos, and posts on Facebook and Instagram for use in their storytelling and reporting”
Announcing this in a  blog post Andy Mitchell, Director of Media Partnerships
Last week Facebook introduced its Mentions app to all of its verified profiles, allowing journalists and celebrities the opportunity to broadcast live video streams and create posts that only go out to their followers.
This annoucement follows Facebook launching its Mention App


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