الثلاثاء، 25 أغسطس 2015

The 5 most difficult markets for Insurance companies to do business

" These are the top 10 most difficult insurance companies to do businss"

GLOBALLY THE TOP 3 MOST DIFFICULT NATIONS TO INSURANCE BUSINESS ARE A) NIGERIA 2)KENYA AND 3)RUSSIA& Ratings from Transparency International suggest that the RGMs in this study that face the highest levels of risk from perceived corruption are Nigeria, Kenya and Russia: • In Kenya, the state’s ability to enforce anti-fraud regulation is notably weak, although improvements are being made in transparency and accountability

Running an Insurance Company in Nigeria  has its own set of  problems as "fraud in Nigeria is a globally recognized problem. In addition, an environment of limited transparency and accountability fosters “grand corruption” involving well-connected business and political figures.
Compared to others, Russia offers a comparatively high level of financial and  economic infrastrurucal  for insurance business but has faced criticisms  on its failure to curb nepotism , and andw its capacity to battle corruption and claims of political influence

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